Максимальный размер файла - 1.5 Гб (для VIP - 5 Гб)
Срок хранения каждого файла — 35 дней. Срок можно бесконечно продлевать. Если файл часто скачивают, срок его хранения продлевается автоматически.
Maximum upload size 200 MB
RapidShare Manager
The RapidShare Manager simplifies uploading and allows multiple simultaneous downloads. You can resume interrupted up- and downloads and as a Premium Account user you can upload files of up to 2,000 megabytes. In addition the RapidShare Manager offers many other useful functions.
RapidShare Uploader
The RapidShare Uploader was developed for quick and easy uploading of files. Interrupted uploads can be resumed.
RapidShare Checker
With this online tool you can check whether the files are still available on our system. You can simultaneously test multiple links.